Salsa Bristol Dance Classes & Events
Frequently Asked Questions
I am a complete beginner, is this OK? Yes, all our classes are set up for absolute beginners to come to.
Are salsa bristol dance classes for any age? Yes, all our classes are for adults of any age.
Do I need to pay for a course? All the classes are pay as you go, so come along as it fits in with you.
When can I start? Any time! New beginners come every week – you won’t be on your own.
What should I expect? Always a friendly and welcoming crowd, quality classes in a fun environment.
What should I wear? Wear clothes you can move in, smart /casual. Avoid rubber-soled trainers.
Can I come by myself? Yes of course! Most people come by themselves and we rotate partners.
Do you have to rotate partners? Couples can stay together, just inform the teacher before the class.
Can beginners attend Friday parties? Yes, lots of beginners come to the Fridays & have lots of fun!
Our classes & events
Beginners Booster Workshop Imp/int Salsa workshop Wednesday Salsa Classes Friday Latin parties Hire Us Cardiff Salsa Classes
Find My Salsa Level
Absolute Beginners/Beginners part 1 - Salsa Bristol dance classesThis level is for people that have no or very little dance experience of Salsa. To kick off the evening we start with a basic salsa steps class, focusing on giving you the foundation for the rest of your dancing. After the basic steps, we then move towards starting you on your partner work with the basic turns. In partner work, you will begin to get a feel for how salsa is actually danced, experiencing the different types of hold and how your basic steps can be danced with a partner. Absolute beginners continue to part 2 after the break.
In Beginners part 2 we really get going with the partner work, with more focus on leading and following both of which are a vital part of dancing salsa freestyle. We will teach the guys how to develop a strong and clear lead and to the ladies, how to follow that lead. This class will have more of the salsa moves and combos than basics, such as cross-body lead. You will also get an insight into building up some simple routines and how to link moves together so that they look smooth and effortless.
Improvers level is for people who have done at least 14-16+ weeks in beginners and feel ready to move on. (Remember do not rush up the levels, the best dancers are those that have concentrated on the basics) Level 1 concentrates on refining the basic salsa steps and building on them, using the basic turns, cross-body lead, half turns and right/left travelling turns. Here we will look at posture and balance in order to execute double turns/spins on their own or in combination with cross body turns and travelling turns.
Here we continue to bridge the gap from improver to intermediate, we will concentrate on the techniques used within cross-body lead turns (inside turn/outside turns) men’s and ladies double turns/spins, half turn variations including the Copa. Also more depth to leading and following as well as posture, balance and interpretation of the music. You will learn how to build more complex routines, giving you a sharp and smooth line. All this will give you the tools you need, to become the Salsa dancer you want to be.
This level concentrates on working different techniques, turn patterns and musicality together with shines, arm-work and body movement to create a flow & style to your dancing. Double turns, inside/outside turns, half turns, the Copa, as well as spot on timing are needed for this level. For people who have been dancing over 1 year+ (an assessment will be needed before joining this class).